Monday, September 23, 2013

Setting "The House of the Scorpion"

 The setting for The House of the Scorpion is set in the future because of the technologies that they have to clone people. Even though we are able to clone people, it is illegal and we haven't actually tried it on humans (from what I know). It takes place in poppy fields with a giant mansion on one end of the fields and a small little apartment like home on the other end. It does not specifically say the location but it is in a place called Opium, Which on my research says that it in Arizona but in the book I feel that it is its whole new country and does not actually take place in the United States. The picture to the left is a bit of a stretch from what I think the actual setting looks like but it does give you a little bit of a image of what the poppy fields and the small house looks like, it however does not show the mansion. Please ignore the human bunny, skeletons, and skeleton butterflies.

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